
The script reads sensor data from one ore more MQTT brokers and stores it together with additional meta information in a database.


     skinparam componentStyle uml2
     rectangle mqtt {
             [mqtt-BROKER1] #Yellow
             [mqtt-BROKERn] #Yellow

     rectangle  {

             database DataBase #Magenta

     file CFG.YML

     CFG.YML --> []

     [mqtt-BROKER1] -right- MQTT
     [mqtt-BROKERn] -right- MQTT

     [mqtt-BROKERn] .down. [mqtt-BROKER1]:1...n

     MQTT -right-> []

     [] -> DB

     DB - [DataBase]

Sensor values are characterized by their meaning, e.g. the physical quantity a value represents. Beside their basic meaning (numeric value and physical unit), a sensor value can also have meta information attached.

The following information shall be stored in the database:

  • What was measured? (numeric value and physical unit)
  • When? (the timestamp of the measurement)
  • Where? (the location of the sensor)
  • How? (the type of the sensor, system information, software version, …)