Config File Format


The config file is written in YAML syntax.

The file contains a YAML-dictionary with two predefined keywords:

  • mqtt
  • database

MQTT Section

This section starts with the YAML-key mqtt and contains a list of MQTT-Brokers:

 - host:
   port: 1883
   prefix: 'clt2020/thlog'
   info_topic: 'clt2020/thlog/+/info'
   data_topic: 'clt2020/thlog/+/data'
 - host:
   port: 1883
   prefix: 'aw/thlog'
   info_topic: 'aw/thlog/+/info'
   data_topic: 'aw/thlog/+/data'

Each configured MQTT broker requires a YAML structure with the following keys:

host:hostname or IP address of the broker
port:portnumber of the mqtt service (1883 unencrypted, 3883 TLS secured)
prefix:the subscritpion prefix (mqtt path to device level)
info_topic:the topic where the nodes publish their description information per default (if not given) <prefix>/+/info is used.
data_topic:the topic where the nodes publish their sensor data per default (if not given) <prefix>/+/data is used.


myprefix/mydevice/info myprefix/mydevice/data <prefix>: myprefix info_topic: +/info data_topic: +/data

Database section

This section starts with the YAML-key database and requires the dbtype key:

    dbtype: {sqlite|mysql}

The rest of the data-structure depends on the database type used.

SQLITE Database

The SQLITE DB is configured as follows:

    dbtype: sqlite
    dbname:  /tmp/rsensor/rsensor.sqlitedb
dbname:the path and name of the SQLITE-file

If dbname refers to a file that not exists, the file, including a none existing directory, is created and initialized as sqlite database.

The data in the sqlite database can be accessed with the command:

sqlite3  /tmp/rsensor/rsensor.sqlitedb
sqlite> .tables
locations   nodes       sensors     timeseries

More details about how to work with this DB refer to section SQlite Commands.

MySQL Database

A MySQL Database is configured as follows:

    dbtype: mysql
    dbname: rsensordb
    dbuser: rsensorusr
    dbpasswd: topsecret
dbname:database name on the server
dbuser:database user name that has write access to the database
dbpasswd:password for database user
dbhost:server name that hosts the database (hostname, fqdn or IP number)

The database dbname must exist and the the dbuser must have access. If the database is empty, all required tables are created by the script.

The created tables can be listed with the command:

mysql -h <dbhost> -u <dbuser> -p <dbname>
Enter password: <dbpasswd>
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_rsensor |
| locations         |
| nodes             |
| sensors           |
| timeseries        |
4 rows in set (0,00 sec)